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The Catholic Mama

Oct 30, 2018

In this episode, Christine gives a brief history of Halloween and just how very Catholic its origins are. Does that mean Catholics can celebrate this holiday? If so, what are the appropriate ways to celebrate it? Listen to learn more about this holiday.



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Oct 26, 2018

In this mini-episode, Christine discusses the second of the Seven Sacred Sacraments: Confirmation. In this rite, with the anointing of oils and laying on of hands, the Holy Spirit descends upon the recipient and better perfects the baptismal grace.

Listen to this 8 minute episode to learn more about the second of the...

Oct 23, 2018

Did the Church Fathers, the earliest Christians, those closes to Jesus get it right? Or did it need to be improved upon over many years of debate and study? 

In this episode, Christine is joined by Pat to discuss how the writings and beliefs of the earliest Christians were no doubt Catholic.



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Oct 19, 2018

In this mini-episode, Christine discusses the first of the Seven Sacred Sacraments: Baptism. This is the first rite, the sacrament that brings catechumens into the Church, to die to themselves and be resurrected with Christ into a new creature. 

Listen to this 7 minute episode to learn more about this...

Oct 16, 2018

In last week's episode, we discussed the three root sins and gave the homework to discern which one most traps you. 

In Episode 21, Pat joins Christine to discuss the theological virtues, that is the only real antidotes to the poison that is root sin. 

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