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The Catholic Mama

Feb 22, 2020

Anyone else ever look at the Church's immense calendar of saints and feast days and wonder how in the world you're supposed to celebrate these and teach your children about all these wonderful saints and the liturgical seasons, and then feel totally overwhelmed and wanna give up? Or you go all-in on celebrating only to get burnt out after a couple of feast days?

In this episode of The Catholic Mama, Christine got to chat with Catholic Creative Jenna Hines from Lazy Liturgical about her inspiration behind the simple and fun graphics she creates for Catholic feast days, the basics you need to get started on living liturgically, and favorite saints to celebrate.

For the resources mentioned in this episode, go to:

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Need help answering some basic questions about Christianity and Catholicism? Then be sure and grab The Catholic Mama's How to Talk to Your Kids about God, available for FREE at